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Laying a solid foundation for our children is of paramount importance to all parents. We believe teaching children the basics of our faith and stories from the bible is important for their future development and progress in life. There are many groups children and youth may attend.







A crèche is held during the morning service each Sunday and is for babies and toddlers who are looked after by experienced helpers. Here the children can have a real fun time with the extensive collection of toys and games.

Contact: Mrs Ailsa Lewis 01778 590027

Twinkletots Parent and Child Group



This is a relaxed, informal gathering for all ages of pre-school children and babies. Mums (and dads, grand parents & child minders) can have a cup of coffee and a chat while the children just have a good time with each other and a host of toys.

We meet on Wednesday mornings at 10.00 until about 11.30; there is a charge of £1 per adult + 50p per child per visit (babies under 1yr free) to cover refreshments and toy renewal.

Contact: Ruth Pryke 01780 766239

Children's Groups on Sunday Morning


Sunday Plus group meet during the morning service, generally going out after the second hymn. This is for primary aged children led by a dedicated team to help children
learn the 'big stories' of the Bible and know God's love for them

CK1: Also meet during the morning service, usually going through to the church halls after the second song.  This group is for secondary aged young people to think about Christian faith at their level and apply it to everyday life.

Messy Church on occasional Saturdays

Starting at 10:30 with drinks in The Well all are welcome to share in story, craft, song, and prayer.  You can follow this with lunch at Second Helpings.

Girls' Brigade


The 1st Stamford Company of the Girls' Brigade meets on Tuesdays, 6.00 pm - 7.15 pm. Any school-age girl is welcome to join for games and activities. Each summer we go away camping for a week of fun under canvas.

The Girls' Brigade is an international, interdenominational Christian organisation.

For more details contact the Captain, Mrs. Julia Husbands on 01780 753968

JCBs (Boys' Club)

The JCBs Club meets on Tuesdays, 6.00 pm - 7.15 pm. It operates in conjunction with the Girls' Brigade. Boys of school age are welcome to come for fun, games, craft and fellowship.

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