The focal point of the week is the Sunday Morning Service at 10.30 am to which all are welcome. Here we worship God through Jesus. The atmosphere is warm and friendly, though reverent. The service generally lasts for about an hour, but can be a little longer if a baptism or communion are included. The congregation usually numbers around 100 and includes all ages - children, young people, middle aged & elderly.
Coffee, tea and squash are served in the foyer afterwards and many people like to stay for a chat.
Our minister takes many of the services, but visiting ministers and preachers do give variety. The worship style varies, but we often start with some modern worship songs and a children's talk, after which the children & young people go into halls for "Junior Church". We then have a sermon, prayers, and hymns & worship songs sung with enthusiasm. Accompanyment is by the music group and the organ, and sometimes our orchestra.
The crèche is arranged so that babies and small toddlers can be looked after for the whole of the service.
Communion is offered every six weeks or so, and is open to all who have accepted Jesus Christ as their personal saviour. Those who wish to participate go forward to receive the bread and alcohol free wine.
A projection system is used for notices, song words and to illustrate sermons. An induction loop system is provided for the benefit of hearing aid users in both the church and the halls. Our services are recorded for the benefit of those unable to attend, and can be heard on the "Watch or Listen later" page of this website.
On occasional Saturdays we have "Messy Church" which starts with drinks in The Well at 10:15. All are welcome to share in story, craft, song, and prayer, which can be followed by lunch at Second Helpings.
We sometimes join with people from other churches for a "Rural Prayer & Praise" evening of modern informal worship, usually led by our music group. This takes place in different local chapels. For details of forthcoming evenings please contact Julia Husbands on 01780 753968