Stamford Methodist Church
Open Air Service at 10:30am on Stamford Meadows on Sept 15th, part of our dog show.
Online Prayer also continues daily. To watch at any time search YouTube for
"Stamford Methodist Church and Circuit" & the date.
You can watch our Sept 8 online Sunday Prayers at
and our 2024 Circuit Pentecost Service at the farm at
Regular Weekly Events
These are our regular weekly events. Please check our facebook group to see any changes of time or location. As you can see there is a lot going on, something for every one.
Morning Worship
in Church with groups for children
Online Prayer each Sunday.
Watch at any time by searching YouTube for "Stamford Methodist Church and Circuit" & the date
Prayer Meeting - 7pm - 7.30pm fortnightly in the Prayer Chapel, or at 75 Caithness Rd.
"Just People" House Group - 7:30pm most Mondays on Zoom. Contact: Julia Husbands, 01780 753968
Online Evening Prayer each evening. Search YouTube for "Stamford Methodist Church and Circuit" & the date
Tuesday Morning House Group - 10am–12noon Contact: Malcolm & Marjorie Darke, 01780 752952
The Afternoon House Group - first & third Tuesday of the month in the prayer chapel at 2.30 pm Contact: Beryl Teasdale on 01780 481574
The Pantry in the passageway under the church is open 10:30 - 1pm for people to take away food.
Girls' Brigade - 1st Stamford Girls' Brigade company meets on Tuesdays, 6 pm - 7.15 pm in conjunction with JCBoys Club. Girls & Boys of school age are welcome to come for fun, games, craft & fellowship. Contact Julia Husbands, 01780 753968
Online Evening Prayer each evening. Search YouTube for "Stamford Methodist Church and Circuit" & the date
"The Well" is open 10am - 2pm for drinks, chat, Fairtrade shop & light lunches.
Twinkletots Parent & Child Group 10-11.30am A relaxed, informal gathering for all ages, with a cup of coffee and a chat while the children play. £1 per adult + 50p per child per visit (babies under 1yr free) to cover refreshments and toy renewal. Contact: Ruth Pryke 01780 766239
The Pantry in the passageway under the church is open 10:30am - 1pm for people to take away food.
Wednesday Fellowship 2.30 pm, with breaks at Easter, Christmas, July & August. Brief devotions followed by a speaker, cup of tea and a chat. We also cater for coach parties that are visiting historic Stamford, when a superb tea is provided. Contact Judith & Maurice Wade on 01780 763340
Online Evening Prayer each evening. Search YouTube for "Stamford Methodist Church and Circuit" & the date
"The Well" is open 10am - 2pm for drinks, chat, Fairtrade shop & light lunches.
Barn Hill Orchestra practice 7pm fortnightly. Contact: Julia Husbands 01780 753968
The Pantry in the passageway under the church is open 10:30am - 1pm for people to take away food.
Online Evening Prayer each evening. Search YouTube for "Stamford Methodist Church and Circuit" & the date
"The Well" is open 10am - 2pm for drinks, chat, Fairtrade shop & light lunches.
The Pantry in the passageway under the church is open 10:30am - 1pm for people to take away food.
Online Evening Prayer each evening. Search YouTube for "Stamford Methodist Church and Circuit" & the date
Messy Church on occasional Saturdays, starting with coffee in The Well at 10:30am. All are welcome, especially families, to share in story, craft, song & prayer which can be followed by lunch at Second Helpings.
Second Helpings : A Real Junk Food Project Pay as you Feel Cafe. pay what you like to eat good food & help reduce food waste. Every Saturday 12:00-2pm.
The Pantry in the passageway under the church is open 10:30am - 2pm for people to take away food.
Online Evening Prayer each evening. Search YouTube for "Stamford Methodist Church and Circuit" & the date