Stamford Methodist Church
Open Air Service at 10:30am on Stamford Meadows on Sept 15th, part of our dog show.
Online Prayer also continues daily. To watch at any time search YouTube for
"Stamford Methodist Church and Circuit" & the date.
You can watch our Sept 8 online Sunday Prayers at
and our 2024 Circuit Pentecost Service at the farm at
Letter From Our Minister
Welcome to our church website. We hope that you get a sense of the life of Stamford Methodist Church, Stamford (locally known as ‘Barn Hill’). As Christians, we look forward to all that lies ahead in the knowledge that our loving God is with us in everything and can be trusted whether we face good and exciting things or more difficult situations. Please feel free to contact us if we can help you in any way.
Our church website is one way in which we offer a glimpse of the life, mission and ministry of our church. The welcome we offer is rooted in worship of our loving God (Sundays at 10.30am) and expressed in a variety of ways. For instance:
You can enjoy a fairly traded cuppa and a chat in the knowledge that you are helping someone in a far flung part of the world to receive a fair wage. Our Fair trade and coffee shop "The Well" is open 10 - 2 on Wednesdays, Thursdays & Fridays.
Come along to worship and you will find people of all ages and diverse backgrounds gathering together to celebrate God’s love
Find your way to one of the many church groups and there will be the opportunity to think more deeply about what Christians believe and how God can help you in your life.
Stamford Methodist Church, Barn Hill, may be somewhat hidden behind the wonderful historic facades and streets of Stamford, but you can be assured that when you find us a warm welcome awaits you.
I look forward to meeting you. With every blessing,
Andy Fyall
01780 762282
Our Church
A caring Church
We have been said to be a very caring church, where people feel well supported and surrounded by God's love. Like most churches we are a group of different people with warm personalities and varying ages, needs and expectations. Being part of the Church family can be fun. People get to know each other well through joining the various groups within the church. During the year we have a number of social functions, mostly involving the eating of good food! There are barbecues, barn dances, concerts, visiting theatre groups, quizzes and many more.
Community Action
We have people who have become directly involved in Christian work overseas, others who are keen to support the under privileged nearer to home. Some of our members are also involved in visiting & helping prisoners in nearby prisons, patients in the local hospital & the elderly housebound. A recent initiative is the setting up of Street Pastors in Stamford to help people in difficulty in the town centre late at night, which operates from our buildings. We run "Second Helpings" pay as you feel café on Saturday lunchtimes to make good use of food which would otherwise go to waste, and are also involved in the local Foodbank. We provide ongoing support to a number of Christian charities, such as The Leprosy Mission, All We Can (formerley Methodist Relief& Development Fund), nurse training at Segbwema Hospital in Sierra Leone (where we know the administrator), and the Karibuni Trust which helps street children in Nairobi and was started by one of our members. Our Mission Projects group aims to raise £15000 each year for worthy causes in the UK and overseas.
Fair Trade
We support the Fair Trade movement and sell fair trade goods and refreshments in our coffee shop "The Well"